Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Historic Colored Musicians Club

A couple of nights ago after singing a few songs at the "Historic Colored Musicians Club",  I was approached by a tall distinguished older gentleman wearing a cream colored suit and a sharp hat.  He took the time to share some kind words. He spoke rather close to me, which surprised me a little. What surprised me even more was how fresh his breath was.  He thought these were tough times for a black male crooner, he being a vocalist himself.  "The Europeans care about this music, but here in the states…" 

He mentioned that he couldn't find much work in Buffalo. "How are you doing in Rochester?"  Somehow I managed not to answer the question. Though I don't sing in Rochester much, that's why I took a trip to Buffalo.

It was an interesting conversation. It was a little hard to hear every word he was saying because of the music and the bar ambience. When he took to the stage, every song he sang was new to me. Not the usual selection you hear most vocalist sing these days.  He was very smooth, reminiscent of Johnny Hartman.  
The band was hot btw.  I knew immediately that I wanted to get to know and play with some of these guys.

I'm hoping to get back there to interview some of these remarkable musicians that hang out at the "Historic Colored Musicians Club".  So many fascinating people with fascinating stories.  I can't wait to return.

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