Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sharing Knowledge Isn't Easy

When I started playing music, there weren't videos, tabs or the internet for that matter, just hard work and ears. Struggling to decipher a guitar part from an LP and thinking you had it right, until a more seasoned player came around.    Compared to today, the pros weren't willing to show you what they spent most of their life time learning, except MAYBE if they were paid, or if you were family. 

Now, practically everything you want to know is accessible and free. And most pros and seasoned players are all more than generous in sharing their knowledge. This is great. 
On the other hand,  there seems to be a reluctance to except the fact that it's still the students job to work and think things through.  If they don't understand what you're doing, it's always a good idea to ask questions and so forth, as opposed to not liking and criticizing something because they don't understand it.   

Private lessons is perhaps a whole different criteria because you're paying for something that hopefully you as a student have made clear to your teacher what your goals are. That aside, a teacher is just a guide to your own creativity. 
In my series, I've pointed out that I'm just sharing ideas and challenging the viewer with learning as I've learned. Thinking and listening.    It puzzles me that with the thousands of other videos out there, why someone would be … disgruntled with something shared at no cost to them. 

I thought I explained myself in the intro:
Here's the video - Lesson's from a Lefty 

On we go. 


  1. Great to read and hear your stuff Miche. I still remember well when i saw you play in Banff all those years ago. I happen to back in banff at the arts centre doing a music res this winter. Cheer! Cath

  2. I think those who haven't had the pleasure of trying to explore the solutions for them selves first (or during) are completely missing out.

    I think the super free, and super accessibility that we have now a days has conditioned many people into wanting to simply download the skills into their fingers.

    I don't think they realize that by actually trying to figure it out, helps them develop their own unique style of playing. I know that "technically" my playing is incorrect, but it is that way because all I knew were 5 basic chords that a friend taught me, and the rest of my years all I do is day "hey, how would it sound if I did *this* instead of *that*" :)

    Its their loss if you ask me.
    Great post thought :)
    Much Love.
