Oopps! Here I go again. I'm writing this as a heads up and a reminder to some of you independent artists who record and make Cds. I haven't recorded a Cd in five years. In April, I recorded and released my latest recording, "Between You and Me." It's been only a few months and it already seems like the project is done and years old. I sold as many to my fans via social media as I'm going to. Sixty-nine (total downloads and hard copies). Did I mention that I have over 2000 fans?
Everyone knows that no one is buying music anymore. Which means that a Cd has strictly a more prominent role. Promotion. Sadly, promotion is the one area that most artists fail in. We put all of our energy into producing it, but the promotion is left to chance. I realized that here I am again ready to make the same mistake I've made for every project I've ever done.
I haven't given any more thought to my latest CD after the few sales halted. What have I done to promote it? Have I sent it to radio stations or the press? "But I can't afford an official manufactured cd with a glossy cover. No one's going to write about a cd with a homemade label." Legit concerns, but excuses none the less.
True, effective promotion usually is costly, but I'm sure it would make a huge difference and it would aid in getting more gigs.
Perhaps I should use kickstarter to raise some money to promote my current CD. Whatever the case, I need to do something. I need to ask more questions. I need to put as much thought in doing something with this Cd as I did in creating it. Why? Because nobody else is going to.
Yup, cds may be items only sold on live gigs, but they are also, more importantly today, a promotional tool.
So yes. My work is cut out for me. Seriously, I almost forgot about my CD. Don't let this happen to you. Again.
Here is my latest: